
    A. Basic Information * (required)

    Full Name (required)
    Gender (required)malefemale
    Date of Birth (required)

    B. Current Situation

    School of Study/Graduating School
    Class grade

          Employment status


    Average score 60 or less60-7070-8080-9090 or more
    Is there a history of visa refusal yesno

    C. Language Ability

    Have you taken the English test?


    If yes, please select the exam name


    Exam results

    D. Intent of Study

    Academic Intention of Studying Abroad (multiple choices) ITBusinessLiteratureArtComputer relatedOther

    Financial Standing No problem at allStrongCannot support myselfOther

    Expected time of studying abroad As soon as possibleWithin half a yearWithin one yearWithin one and a half yearsUndetermined