
For many individuals working in Canada on a temporary work permit, the need to extend or change their permit arises at some point during their stay. However, navigating this process can be challenging, and understanding the rules regarding your ability to continue working in Canada after your work permit expires is crucial. In this article, we’ll break down the key considerations for work permit holders and explore the various scenarios they might encounter.


Work Permit Extension or Change: Timing Matters

If your Canadian work permit is nearing its expiration date, your ability to continue working in the country depends on when you submitted your application for a permit extension or change. To put it simply, only temporary workers who applied for a work permit extension or change before their original permit’s expiry date are eligible to continue working in Canada.


Why Some Temporary Workers Can Work with an Expired Permit

Individuals who proactively submit their work permit extension or change applications maintain their legal status in Canada and are granted authorization to work until a decision is reached on their new application. This enables them to continue their employment without disruption. However, certain conditions apply based on your specific situation.


Working Under the Same Conditions

For those with employer-specific (closed) permits who apply for a work permit extension, it’s essential to note that they must continue working under the exact conditions specified in their current work permit. This means adhering to the same job, employer, and location. A change can be made only once the new application has been approved.


Open Work Permits Offer Flexibility

In the case of open work permits (OWP), the scenario is different. OWP holders enjoy greater flexibility. They have the liberty to change employers and jobs without restrictions. This offers a considerable advantage in the Canadian job market, allowing for more diverse work experiences.


Study Permit and Visitor Record Holders

For individuals who are applying for a study permit or visitor record, there are distinct rules to follow. These applicants can only work until the original permit’s expiry date. After that, they are legally required to cease working until a final decision is made on their application. The same restriction applies to studying for those waiting for a study permit approval.


Providing Proof of Continued Eligibility

To reassure employers that you remain eligible to work in Canada even after your initial work permit expires, you’ll need to provide documentation depending on whether you applied for your extension/change online or on paper.

Online Applicants

    • If you applied for your work permit extension/change online, you can present the following documents as proof to your employer:
    • Work permit extension letter (WP-EXT except PGWP) received from Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). Show this letter along with your current work permit to your employer.
    • If your application hasn’t received a final decision by the WP-EXT letter’s expiry date, you can prove your eligibility by showing your employer the IRCC webpage or contacting IRCC.

Paper Applicants

    • If you applied for your work permit extension/change on paper, you can provide the following documents to your employer as proof of continued eligibility:
    • A copy of your work permit extension/change application.
    • Evidence of fee payment for the application.
    • A copy of the postal or courier tracking information for your application.

It’s important to note that applicants using the paper application process do not receive a WP-EXT letter. IRCC follows this approach to ensure that applications are complete and meet the necessary requirements for working in Canada.

Understanding the intricacies of working in Canada as a temporary worker is essential, particularly when your work permit is nearing its expiry date. By adhering to the guidelines and timelines for work permit extension or change applications, you can ensure that you maintain your legal status and continue working without disruptions. Whether you have an employer-specific or open work permit, knowing the rules that apply to your situation will help you make informed decisions and enjoy a seamless work experience in Canada.

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