
Mr. D came to Canada as a visitor in 2019. His status expired soon but he still lived in Canada for many years, and he was hampered in every way without legal status. However, it was difficult to restore status over 90 days of expiry, especially a long illegal stay. But with the efforts of Altec Global, our team of experts restored his status based on Humanitarian and Compassionate in just 6 months, which was perfect in terms of speed and smoothness!

After his legal status was restored, Mr. D hopes Altec Global to continue to help him apply for a work permit. Previously, a big plastics factory wanted to hire a technician and Mr. D successfully applied for the job. He still needed a work permit to start working. After a careful assessment, we successfully applied for a LMIA for him and submitted his work permit application immediately. Thanks to the careful preparation and rigor of our team of experts, the whole process went very smoothly, no additional documents were needed, and the application was successful in just 5 months! A month faster than the average! We are happy to see that Mr. D can start his new life in Canada again!

If you want to know more about Canadian immigration, do not hesitate to book an appointment for professional consultation for your most suitable path!